My one year old son does not sleep through the night. I know you kid slept through the night at 6 weeks, but mine doesn’t. His older brother didn’t sleep through the night until I stopped nursing around 18 months.
I’m still nursing the one year old and at night when everyone else is asleep is usually the only alone time I have with him. I love nursing him! I love our alone time together! I love all of the cute things he does when he is sleepy.
Last night he had a very large dinner. He ate a banana, an avocado, a cup of quinoa, beans, and corn. He went to sleep at 7:30 pm then woke up at 11:00 pm. I nursed him, we had our special quite time together and then he slept the rest of the night. Now this is unusual because he will normally sleeps from 4 to 6 hours.
Yes this is my life, I am almost always operating on just a little less sleep than optimal but I know if a few months when my son is no longer nursing I’ll miss that time together. In fact, I already miss it.
What are you thankful for today? Share your story in the comments, or just brag about when your babies started sleeping through the night!
Gratituesday is hosted at Heavenly Homemakers every Tuesday!
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