Over the last several weeks I have had the opportunity to meet several new friends. Some of these friends I haven’t actually “met” but I’ve been conversing with them online. I know that sounds kinda creepy but I assure you it’s not. Some of these new connections have been through my blog or through My Plant-Based Family on Facebook. Mostly they have been amazing women who are friends with Amanda, my friend who had a stroke 3 weeks ago.
Others I have met and we even had lunch together. Later this week I’m getting together with an acquaintance, but since she is such an amazing women I hope we become fast friends.
Most of these new relationships will probably stay casual friendships or even just acquaintanceship; but a few have the potential to be something more. Before moving to Arizona in 2006 I had a few really good friends. My friend Autumn since junior high, Crissy since high school, and Jessica who I worked with after college. We didn’t talk often but we appreciated each other and knew we could depend on each other. Since moving here I have made some friends that I believe will be life long friends. I know I can depend on these friends no matter what.
It’s exciting to think that right now may be beginning of a life long friendship. So this post is to all my new friends out there…Kelli, Krista, Breht, Angela, Melodee, Lisa, Susan, Heather, Nancy, Kathy, Angie, Danica, Kris, Ashley and the others that I am forgetting… today I am grateful for you.
Have you wondered why I post Gratituesday each Tuesday? It is because I like taking one day a week to share what I’m thankful, grateful for. Laura at Heavenly Homemakers has been doing it for years and she gives other bloggers an opportunity to “link up” their blog too. I enjoy clicking through the links and being encourage by what other people are grateful for, and seeing how God is working in their lives. Last week I had a crazy dream that Laura emailed me asking to stop commenting! I told you it was crazy! I think about what I’m going to post for Grati(Tuesday) all week-long. So all week I’m thinking about all of the things I am thankful for. You don’t have to blog about it but feel free to leave a comment so others can be encouraged.
Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!
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