In less than a month I’ll be hosting my very first Food Demo! I’m so excited. I’ve been wanting to host one for a while but I’ve been crazy busy. I told a (new) friend yesterday that it’s like my calendar threw up.
I want to host this demonstration so friends can see and taste new plant-based foods without worrying about how much they cost, if they will like them, or if they can cook them. Many items will be gluten-free too!
I haven’t completely decided on the menu; I plan to have some foods already prepared but make some dishes during the demo so that everyone can see how easy they are to prepare. I definitely want to make quinoa, I tried it at a food demo years ago, it sounds so intimidating but it’s easy. I’ll probably already have hummus prepared with lots of veggies. I also plan to have delicious desserts!
Now it is your turn! What do you think I should make? I’m hoping to win over some friends, or at the least help them incorporate healthier meals into their family’s diet. I’d love any suggestions!
Keri says
Our family’s favorites are: baba ganoush stuffed mushrooms (on the grill), grilled red peppers (also great when stuffed with quinoa, sun dried tomatoes & chickpeas), and I found a recipe for carob/avocado cream pie that is phenomenal.
What a great idea–I should try this with my (skeptical) friends!
My Plant Based Family says
Keri, These sound delicious! I haven’t made stuffed mushrooms yet but I bet they would be a big hit. I’m a big fan of red peppers so I know I would like those too. I make a chocolate mousse (pictured above) that may be similar to the cream pie you mentioned. I think just showing my friends that eating plant-based is doable, tasty, and not as hard as they think will go a long way.
Clara says
Not that you could “demo” this fully, but I think you should talk about cooking beans from scratch. It makes a frugal food even more frugal and healthier by cooking them at home….maybe you could start a pot of beans beforehand and time it so they’ll be ready around the time you are doing the demo? And then just sort of mime/explain the process? This is something that seemed so difficult to me until I started doing it about a year ago, and now I love it! Although depending on the length of the demo – you could maybe do lentils from scratch since they cook quickly?
My Plant Based Family says
Clara you always have such good ideas! I’ve written a post about cooking beans from scratch but talking through it is a good idea. I do plan on cooking lentils, everyone thinks they are so mysterious. I prefer to make beans from scratch. As much as we eat I can’t imagine all of the cans we would go through.
An Unrefined Vegan says
Great idea, Holly! No doubt you will have some “converts” by the end. I agree – yummy desserts are a must. They seem to really impress non-vegans.
My Plant Based Family says
Thanks! I want to have at least one gluten-free dessert too. I haven’t had the best luck with those though.
Mesa Mom says
Can you make Chia Pudding w/ the Chia seeds ground up, please? I want to try it but I don’t want to “invest” in the chia unless I’m sure I’m going to use it up. I’d also like to try something w/ eggplant in it. I’ve never tasted it before! And that’s another one I don’t want to buy unless I know I’d use it up.
I’m so excited for you! I hope I’m invited (hint…hint! I know – I’m shameless)!