We love having friends over for dinner. We used to have company over all the time. Once my little guys were born it got harder but we still enjoyed having company, just not as frequently. Since going plant-based we haven’t had many dinner guests. Most people think we are now super weirdo’s who eat nothing but cardboard and iceberg lettuce.
Before going plant-based my husband was “king of the grill” part of his secret was topping each steak with a tablespoon of butter just before serving. I could make a mean roast, pork roast, or anything else, of course they were usually topped with “cream of” soups. A while ago I made a meal for a friend and cooked a little chicken. I hadn’t cooked meat in months but this time would be the last. I had found the chicken in my freezer and thought it was better to pass it on than throw it away. My meat cooking days are now over. I couldn’t stand seeing and smelling the chicken as it was cooking. I will not elaborate any further.
We have had a few plant-based friends over to share a meal. Each time I’ve made Mexican food, which has always been my specialty whether we were having meat or not. I hoping to broaden my “company’s coming over” menu soon. I’m excited to have a friend coming over this week who is interested in a plant-based diet. I’m just not sure what to make. If you real Meal Plan Monday I had left Thursday blank and asked for suggestions. Now that my friend is coming over I’m hoping to thing of something creative and delicious and I’m still looking for suggestions.
What do you make when company is coming over? Do you have any tried and true recipes that appeal to omnivores? Please share!
That is so hard…having people over who dont eat like you. Looking forward to hearing what you decided to prepare!