I’ve had a lot going on lately and it’s not slowing down any time soon. This week I’m hosting another Healthy Cravings group in my home. Healthy Cravings is simply a gathering of ladies who want to learn more about eating a whole food, plant-based diet. Ok, a lot of them just want to learn how to lose weight, some just want to show up for the food, but others are poised to make one of the biggest changes in their lives and reclaim their health.
This months menu isn’t completely decided but most of it is worked out, at least in my mind. I’ll be making Chili and Taco Soup. I’m also planning to serve pumpkin cupcakes or cakes (haven’t decided on that) and I’ll be sharing that recipe no later than next week. Last time I had twice as many people RSVP than actually showed up and way too much left over food. I plan on playing it way more conservative this time.
November’s Healthy Cravings is on the 8th so I really need to be on the ball with that one. It’s theme will be Thanksgiving foods so send me links to your favorite healthy or healthyish Thanksgiving dishes.
I’m also helping a friend plan a baby shower for one of my besties. The food will all be brunch fare. So far I’m making my Party Worthy Parfait’s, Pumpkin Bread (Muffin Style), and a smokin Fruit Platter, tray, bowl or something schmancy. I’m gonna bring my favorite So Delicious Coffee Creamers and Chai. The other hostess is making all of the food that requires meat, dairy, or eggs. Isn’t she a gem!
These three parties all take place in the next three weeks. Did I mention I’m headed off to a retreat this weekend? No, I don’t think I did. This is the part where I should gloat right, just kidding.
Do you have any suggestions for my party menus? I’m really needing help for my Thanksgiving Healthy Cravings, so many recipes to discover and test before November 8th. YIKES!
I have to ask after reading a number of your writings on the Healthy Cravings, how did you come to develop that? I love seeing others do stuff like that!
Hi Sarah, This past summer I held a Food Demo at my house. I had had people interested in plant-based but they were clueless so the Demo was just a way to show people healthy food could taste good. I had over 20 people show up and it was a hit. I had hoped to have more every other month or once a quarter but some ladies from my church approached me about leading a “healthy living” group for ladies. They were starting a bunch of different “interest groups” for women and thought what I did at the Demo might be a good fit.
It does require a lot of work and can be expensive. I hope to inspire and equip women (although we may do some events for couples in the future) to be healthy.
Will you please come to New Zealand and put on your parties? I have a spare toom to put you up. Good luck with the planning.
Oh Susan! I wish I could. A trip like that is not in our budget in the foreseable future but my husband and I would LOVE to go to New Zealand! If we ever do I’ll let you know, and we’ll take you up on the room! 🙂
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What a good looking taco soup! In anticipation of the winter that is never to come here, this makes me really wish it would get cold sooner so I can enjoy a lovely bowl of homemade soup topped with avocado! P.S. I am calling my nights of cooking with non-vegan friends Healthy cooking nights but “Healthy Cravings” is a much more creative name, kudos!
You can definitely use the name! It is still really warm here but the soup is so worth it! I couldn’t wait for the weather any longer I had to make soup anyway. I’m heading north for the retreat I’m attending this weekend and it will be significantly cooler there than it is here.
I can’t give it away yet, but I have tons of healthy dishes planned for vegan thanksgiving. sorry babe, you’re going to have to wait til November 🙂
I can’t bellieve you’re gonna keep me waiting. 🙂 oh well, I’ll just have a lot of experimenting to do before November 8th. Last Thanksgiving we got together with two other families and we just brought Vegan stuff to go with their traditional fare. We are planning the same type of thing this year.
Sorry babe! email me if you wanna collaborate before then!
Thanks! I may! I’ve got a baby shower coming up soon that I’m focused on now. I hope to get the next month planned out this week to see what I’m missing. I’ll email you if I need some inspiration. 🙂
cool 🙂
I can’t bellieve you’re gonna keep me waiting. 🙂 oh well, I’ll just have a lot of experimenting to do before November 8th. Last Thanksgiving we got together with two other families and we just brought Vegan stuff to go with their traditional fare. We are planning the same type of thing this year.
If you’re really desperate, email me and I’ll help you work out a menu, I just can’t give up the punch line to my readers 😉