Summer Berry Breakfast Quinoa (1 serving)
- 1 cup cooked quinoa
- ¼ tsp vanilla
- 1 to 2 Tbsp rice milk
- ½ cup assorted berries (we like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and black berries)
- A generous shake of chia and hemp seeds (we call these sprinkles)
- Stevia or maple syrup (optional)
- Gently mix quinoa (warm or cold) with vanilla, rice milk, berries, and seeds.
- If desired, use a little stevia or maple syrup to sweeten the breakfast quinoa.
My kids were suspicious of Breakfast Quinoa in the beginning but now love it and ask for it daily. They prefer it cold, I like it warm. Walnuts make a great addition but sadly we are now a nut-free household.
I love quinoa any time!
We eat it so many ways. We could eat it a different way everyday for at least a week!
Quinoa = Love. I’m just sayin’ . . .
Hi Holley,
I have been reading your blog for some time now. I really appreciate all of your recipes! I just made my menu for next week, and I used your recipes for almost all of our meals. I have five children, and we have been plant strong (no meat, no dairy, very little processed) since April of 2012. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much! I am always blessed to hear from readers, especially when they like my recipes. Congrats on being plant-strong since April of 2012. That is quite an accomplishment.
I’ve stopped by your blog a few times. I love the title! There is always room for JOY!
I’m brand new to all of this. I have several health issues and my doctor said plant-based whole food is the way to go for me. He said I can have up to 10% of my protein intake be animal based, which should be easy. I’m actually commenting to ask why you don’t eat nuts anymore (allergy in the family?) and if soy milk is ok from time to time. I’m not a fan of rice milk and cannot stand the taste of coconut in my coffee, so I’m looking for safe alternatives.
Hi Samantha,
Yep, my son had a peanut allergy until around the time he turned 5 years old. We were very surprised when his blood and skin test showed the allergy was gone. We did an oral challenge and he passed.
Most of my recipes don’t contain nuts becuase we were nut free for so many years.
We don’t normally drink dairy-free milks, we mostly use them for recipes and the kids use them for cereal occassionally. I like cooking with it becuase it doesn’t have a flavor.
Feel free to use whatever type you like best. Soy milk is thicker and more like dairy-milk. I’m not a fan of coconut myself so I never buy it. Almond milk tastes good. I use Silk creamer in my morning coffee but you can buy an inexpensive frother and get soy milk frothy!
Some people have to avoid soy milk or nut based milks becuase of an intolerance or allergy, if you don’t have an issue with it, go with whatever you like and have easy access to.