Have you created your Meal Plan for the week yet? If not, what is standing in your way? Is it too hard, too time consuming, or just too much trouble? I’ll admit I don’t always stick to our plan 100%. Sometimes I am missing an ingredient, or our plans will change. Some days I just don’t get the prep work done ahead of time. Still having a Meal Plan helps to focus my food prep and keeps me cooking instead of order takeout or eating cereal (again) for dinner.
As the weather heats up here in Arizona I know my days using the oven are numbered and I’ll be switching to the Crock Pot for more of our meals. Using the Crock Pot also helps me have dinner prepared at the right time. Often I get distracted and don’t start dinner until too late. If it’s in the Crock Pot I’m ready.
On the plus side my garden is producing and I think I’ll be harvesting my first ripe tomatoes this week. I see some jalapenos growing out of the little blossoms, and I have more basil than I know what to do with.
Spring Meal Plan
Every morning I get us super early and make a homemade breakfast for my family. Just kidding, we’ve been relying on cereal quite a bit lately. Some days we have oatmeal or other oat-free hot cereal like Bob’s Red Mill Mighty Tasty Gluten-Free Hot Cereal. I prefer dinner leftovers for breakfast but most mornings are made up of the following:
- Cereal with fresh blueberries and mangos
- Toast with SunButter Natural Sunflower Seed Spread
and Apples or bananas
- Breakfast Rice with Cinnamon, Apples and Raisins
- Baked Sweet Potatoes with Cinnamon
- Baked Potatoes with a little sea salt (I’m the only weird on who eats this)
I eat leftovers whenever they are available but my kids normally want sandwiches. We usually have a fruit or veggies as a side.
- SunButter
Sandwiches with jelly
- Gluten-Free Pasta with marinara
- Leftover Soup with Baked Potatoes
- Veggie Wrap OR Veggie Sandwich on tasted bread
I usually put more work into dinner that the other meals. We have several evening appointments this week so I’m hoping to make many of these meal ahead.
- Minestrone Soup is soup perfect all year but I love the garden fresh veggies in the Spring
- Broccoli and Rice Casserole (working on a new recipe)
- Lentil Sloppy Joe’s with Dirty Mashed Potatoes or Baked Potatoes with chives
- Enchilada Soup in the Crock Pot
- Spaghetti Squash Stir Fry
If you need some ideas for Cinco de Mayo meals check out last weeks Mexican Food Meal Plan! It is full of Vegan and Gluten-Free ideas!
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Looking at those recipes, you’ve got a healthy and yummy week Holly. I’d surely try some of those soon.
Hi Noah, Even my pickiest kid loved dinner last night. I wasn’t sure how well it would go over but he was happy. I’m excited about tonight, I love Minestrone Soup and it seems like a long time since I’ve made it. I always feel “healthy” after eating it.
Please send some of your fresh tomatoes and jalepenos here! We’ve BARELY got buds on the trees!
My husband was in Chicago last week (our oldest graduated from boot camp), I think you’ll be waiting a while. His luggage got lost so he didn’t have a coat or any clothes until the night before he left. It’s hard to believe it is so warm here (my teen has been swimming already) and so cold there. In 2 months it will be to hot to play in the garden if it’s any consultation.
Have you thought about getting one or the new electric type pressure cookers? I know Chef AJ and now Lindsey Nixon now use one. I have been thinking about it but really do like the crock pot since I live in the desert also (NV). What do you think?
I’ve considered it Kathleen! I’ve also thought about a rice cooker that also steams veggies. Kitchen appliances just take up so much room so I’ve been trying to keep mine to a minimum. We recently bought a Blendtec that now resides on my counter. I’m just not sure where I would put anything else. I’ll ask the question on facebook so we can get some opinions from others.
I know..I have been looking at rice cookers also…I bought a Blendtec vs Vitamix several months ago also. Those kitchen appliances can certainly dominate one’s kitchen counter.:)
If I end up buy one I’ll definitely mention it here. I hope you’ve seen some of the comments about this on the facebook page. There have been some very helpful (and persuasive) comments. https://www.facebook.com/MyPlantBasedFamily/posts/684369768295954
I would love to switch our family to a plant based diet. My concern would be lack of iron and the fact that my 6-year old has texture issues with mushy or mixed food. Do you think the plant based diet would address these things?
Hi Adrienne,
I understand your concern about lack of iron. My husband was anemic for years (as a meat eater) and many people, of various diets have low iron. After we transitioned to a plant-based diet we got so much healthier. We were eating a greater variety of healthy foods and his anemia went away. I can’t verify that that will be the case with everyone but it was for us. Plant foods like beans and grains are a great source of iron. Don’t let fear keep you from trying a plant based diet, you have so much to gain.
As mentioned, there is a lot of variety of plant-based foods. Sure there are plenty of mushy foods but many aren’t. Some foods, like beans can be prepared in various ways. Take chickpeas for example, they can be cooked and eaten whole, roasted for a crunchy snack, pureed into hummus, etc. If you need ideas I’m happy to help.