I don’t know about you but I love snacks! While I always recommend that people reach for fruit and veggies as a first choice sometimes I really want crackers, chips, cookies, etc.
I don’t have a problem incorporating tasty but maybe not super healthy snacks occasionally. If I were fighting disease I would be much more careful with my diet. It is important to me to know what ingredients are in my snacks and how they are sourced.
I made this confession this week on Instagram. I loved these BBQ Chips by the way. It had been years since I’ve had a BBQ flavored chip. This girl loves BBQ!
Sometimes it’s hard to find products I can really get behind. I often order online when I find sources I can trust since they aren’t always at my local grocery store.
A fun way to try new snacks it so subscribe to the Vegan Cuts Snack Box.
The Vegan Cuts Snack Box comes once a month with 7-10 vegan goodies. It’s only $19.95 with free shipping in the US. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter I’ll often share Vegan Cuts special sales as they come. This is the perfect time of year to sign up for a subscription (and you can easily cancel at any time).
In last months box I received 10 different products (some full size some sample size) including Earth Balance Mac and Cheese, Cobra Corn, Barnana, One Potato Two Potato and many more.
If you find a product you can’t live without you can order it from the Vegan Cuts Marketplace. I subscribed to the Vegan Cuts Beauty Box almost as soon as it came out and I’m always pleasantly surprised with the quality of the products. I found my favorite skin care products, nail polish and more through Vegan Cuts.
I’m an affiliate for Vegan Cuts because I love what they do. The holiday boxes are always my favorite. The next Vegan Cuts Box ships October 20th so sign up now so you don’t miss the deadline.
This page contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using these links I make a small amount from each sale at no additional cost to you.
I would love to try this box but I’m sure shipping in Canada adds a lot extra!! I have yet to fin d that earth balance mac and cheese!!!!
Jessica I’m pretty sure it’s $8 extra for shipping to Canada! I think it’s worth a try!