I know I can use all of the help I can get!
I discovered a great deal and I wanted to pass it on to you. The people who produce the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle have created The Ultimate Digital Photography Bundle! My photos have come a long way but they aren’t as good as I’d like them to me. Sometimes I’ll take 80 photos and none of them will really stand out as a great photo.
When I heard about this new bundle I was so excited because I’m ready to take my food pictures to the next level.
I’d also like to learn to take good pictures of my kids. I have few decent pictures of them but this bundle will give me the tools to capture great photos for my blog and for my family.
The Ultimate Digital Photography Bundle (Beginner’s Edition) contains a curated collection of ebooks and video training guides to help you become a better photographer. I’m sticking with this beginner’s version but there are more advanced versions available.
For months I’ve been eyeing Tasty Food Photography from Pinch of Yum! You can buy it on their site for $29. You can also buy Eat Pretty Things from Eat Your Beets for $29. Or you can get the bundle that includes both plus so much more for $37!
All the resources have been provided by professional, world-renowned photographers who are experts in teaching others – even complete beginners. You won’t need to switch up to a more expensive camera to make full use of the bundle (even if you just use your iPhone for photographs)! You can learn everything in little chunks – whenever you have a spare moment.
There’s even better news! They’re also throwing in a FREE copy of FX Photo Studio Pro software from MacPhun (which provides stunning filters and photography effects) worth $29.99!
Click here to buy The Ultimate Digital Photography Bundle (Beginner’s Edition) for just $37.
I have a lot of blogger friends that take the most amazing photos. I make amazing food but I know this bundle will help my photos look as delicious as they taste.
If you are beyond the beginner edition you can also check out the Intermediate Edition or the Advanced/Pro Edition.
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