I get a lot of questions about switching to a plant-based diet. It’s understandable, for most of us, plant-based living is a completely foreign concept.
I do my best to help by answering emails and comments. Depending on the situation I’ll sometimes suggest a book. Blogs are a great place to look but you can get lost in the internet and spend hours reading.
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The Best Plant-Based Diet Books
I’ll confess, I’m biased and think you should read my book. I wrote the Plant-Based Diet Starter Guide to be a quick and easy read that would tell you everything you need to know to get started on a plant-based diet. For only $4.49 on kindle and $7.99 paperback I think it is a great deal.
Sometimes you understand the basics of the plant-based diet but need a more in depth look.
If you have diabetes I recommend The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
If you have heart disease I recommend Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition Based Cure by Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr.
If you have cancer I recommend The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Thomas Campbell.
There are many others that cover a wide range of specialty areas like The Empty Medicine Cabinet, How Not to Die (I haven’t read this one yet but it is on my list), The Starch Solution, Food Over Medicine, and Eat to Live.
Cook Books
If you are looking for cook books I can recommend anything by Lindsay S. Nixon a.k.a. the Happy Herbivore or Chef Del Sroufe.
If you have an Instant Pot and need some guidance check out Vegan Under Pressure or Vegan Pressure Cooking.
More Help
If you want to dive a little deeper I definitely recommend the Plant-Based Basics eCourse. It answers pretty much any question you have about the transition to a plant-based diet while offering personal, on going support.
There are so many great books about plant-based living. What is your favorite? I may add it to my list!
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These are all great books! I have read through most of “How not to die” and it is excellent. I also subscribe to the Meal Mentor meal plans. The meals I’ve made have been very tasty and easy. I batch cook on Sundays, so I have healthy food to eat all week. I’ve been vegan for many years, but I keep trying to transition to a healthier WFPB diet. Darn delicious vegan cookies, ice cream, candy bars, and chips!
I really enjoy the Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Plant Based Diet by Julieanna Hever. Plus she also has another book called The Vegiterranean Diet. Both very good. Another is Disease Proof Your Child by Dr. Fuhrman, also very good. I’m not a big fan of the Happy Herbivore recipes and I have tried their meal plan service and it was a complete bust. Very expensive and my kids wouldn’t eat hardly any of it (and they are really not that picky).
In the cookbook category, I agree wholeheartedly with the Lindsay Nixon books. I would add the Plant Pure Nation cookbook and the China Study Cookbook. For fun and good recipes watch YouTube videos by Jill Ann McKeever of Simple Daily Recipes. She has quite a few for the Instant Pot.
Proteinaholic by Garth Davis M.D.