You know I love my Instant Pot, but did you know that there are a few accessories I love too? I’m sharing all of my favorite finds with you!
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The Instant Pot is one of my favorite purchases in the last few years. I have the 7 in 1 Multi-functional Instant Pot! Check out why I love my Instant Pot!
If you already have an Instant Pot or are shopping for someone who already has on, I recommend and extra sealing ring, the tempered glass lid for using the slow cooker mode, or the silicone lid. (The IP brand lid isn’t available. I haven’t tried this version but it is on my wish list!) I also use this steamer basket and love it!
You can also get very reasonably price accessory bundles that have items for users who want to do more with their Instant Pots!
There are also many great pressure cooker books! I own The Vegan Fast Food Kitchen and Vegan Pressure Cooking. I’ve heard great things about Vegan Under Pressure too!
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