Today I want to express my gratitude for my church family. If you don’t have a church family or don’t know what that means I’ll explain just a bit. We attend a fantastic church. When we moved to Arizona from Oklahoma we left all of our family and a great church. It took several months to find a new church that would be appropriate for us. By approprate I mean:
- Taught what we believed (the Bible)
- Friendly
- Had kid programs that met our families needs
- Had to “feel” right
There were other things too but these were very important to us. It is almost exactly 5 years that we walked onto the property of our church and had a deep sense of peace, we knew this is where we belonged. It was a Wednesday night and there was a guest speaker, in other words we didn’t even know how this church operated yet but it didn’t matter we were home.
Over the next few months we attended regularly, our kids became involved in the kids programs and I met the best group of women I’ll ever know (they are the friends I talked about last Tuesday).
The people at this church have become our church family, and some of them feel like real family. I’ve spent holidays and birthdays with them, I’ve shared some of my deepest needs and hopes, spent lazy afternoons visiting and we’ve rushed to each others aid when needed. Isn’t that what a family does?
Do you have this? Do you have a church family that loves you, encourages you, and supports you? Or maybe you are a member of a church, do you love, encourage, support other church goers? Do you volunteer your time or give regularly in tithes and offerings?
The first step is to find a church and go, then go regularly. If the first church you go to isn’t right for you pray that God would direct you to the right one. Keep in mind churches are not perfect because they are full of imperfect people, just like families.
Once you are in a church “that you feel is right for you” get involved. If you’re not sure how ask a pastor or a volunteer. Chances are they have been praying for you, yes you! You don’t want to be like a parasite. A parasite lives off of others without giving anything in return. Maybe it’s time to step up and be a part of a church family.
Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!