New Custom Meal Plans
I’ve been posting Free Weekly Meal Plans for 2 years! That is a lot of Meal Plans (they are archived on the “Meal Plans” Page). These Meal Plans have been a huge help to readers just starting out on a plant-based diet. These Free Meal Plans will continue, at least for a while, so you can always look to them for inspiration.
If you need a bit more help with your Meal Plan my Custom Meal Plan service may be for you. I learn about your food preferences and restrictions through a questionnaire then create a 4 week Meal Plan just for you. Each plan includes a weekly menu, shopping list and prep sheet.
Why Use a Custom Meal Plan?
If you eat a specialty diet most meal plan services wont work for you. A Custom Meal Plan is created based on your preferences and goals. It takes the guess work out of what to buy, prep and cook. It’s an investment that will pay off.
You will save money by using our Shopping List, no more buying unnecessary ingredients. You’ll also save money because you won’t rely on fast food as often. The Meal Plan suggests uses for leftovers as well, which will result in less food waste.
If you live in an omni household the Meal Plans are exceptionally helpful. Meals will be designed to be plant-based but show how meat can be added after they are cooked. It’s a win-win.
If you have questions the answer may be on the Custom Meal Plans Page.
The Meal Plan are a lot of work so I can only accept a few orders at a time. Email me to request a questionnaire and I’ll give you an estimated delivery date. You will not be billed until the work begins.
The first 10 customers will receive a FREE copy of my new ebook The Plant-Based Diet Starter Guide: How to Cook Shop and Eat Well.
Do you like my Free Weekly Meal Plans?
Join our Meal Planning conversation on My Plant-Based Family’s Facebook Page.