I recently had the opportunity to receive an advance copy of The Forks Over Knives Plan: A 4 Week Meal-By-Meal Makeover by Alona Pulde, MD, and Matthew Lederman, MD. You’ll remember them as the husband and wife team from Forks Over Knives. The Forks Over Knives Plan debuts today and I’m ready to tell you what to expect!
What You’ll Find Inside
One of the things I hear over and over again from readers is that they have watched Forks Over Knives but they aren’t sure how to make the transition. The Fork Over Knives Plan teaches you how to make that transition one meal at a time starting with breakfast, followed by lunch then dinner.
Part 1
The Fork Over Knives Plan starts by sharing Dr. Pulde and Dr. Lederman’s stories. It gives us insight as to how they became doctors and learned about a whole food, plant-based lifestyle and what it did for each of them. Second, we learn why the “Plan” works to reverse and eliminate disease. Next we learn what a whole food, Plant-Based Diet looks like. You’ll be happy to learn you don’t need to live on a diet of green salads alone and it’s important to get enough calories (which is easy to do on their plan).
Part 2
The second part of the book covers the 4 week transition. Week 1 you focus on making healthy choices at breakfast. They also discuss how to read nutrition labels, what to have in your pantry and protein.
Week 2 encourages healthy choices at lunch, now you are up to 2 healthy meals per day. It also discusses Meal Planning, calcium and will power. Week 3 helps you transition toward a healthy dinner and offers helpful suggestions like cooking in bulk or cooking with friends. There is also a discussion on fats, oil and cravings.
Week 4 is all about fine-tuning your lifestyle and making small changes to get everything working well. There is also discussion on eating out, traveling and carbs.
Part 3
The last section is recipes, glorious recipes! A 100 recipes to be exact! Later this week I’ll share a delicious Fall recipe from The Forks Over Knives Plan.
If you’ve been intimidated by the science in other plant-based books or you’ve tried eating plant-based but would get stuck along the way then The Forks Over Knives Plan may be what you need. You’ll be encouraged by stories from other people who have been on the same journey.
The Giveaway
You can even win your very own copy! The giveaway is open to US residents only. If you don’t live in the US or don’t win the giveaway you can still find it in bookstores and Amazon!
I received a free copy of The Forks Over Knives Plan. I didn’t receive any compensation. All opinions are my own.
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