I am so grateful for you. Yes you! On Tuesday’s I like to participate in Gratituesday over at Heavenly Homemakers and write about something I am grateful for.
Today I want to write about and give thanks to you, my readers. I’m so thankful for the time you take to read this blog. Some of you have subscribed to this blog and other just happen upon it while searching for plant-based pointers, and still more follow it on Facebook. To all of you, no matter how you found me I want to say thank you!
I get extremely excited (just ask my husband) when new people follow my blog especially when some of you leave comments or email me. I love having a dialogue, Facebook is so great for that. I may not respond to every comment but I do try. (I have one comment that I need to do more research on, I haven’t responded to that one but I will!)
I’ve also made some great friends through this blog. Breht we totally need to get together again! Valerie you are a blessing to me! Kelli, I look forward to getting together sometime soon my friend! There are more but I can’t mention them all, I would leave someone out so I won’t even try.
There have been some really neat situations where someone (HI Steffi) was reading my blog for months then came to my Food Demo with a friend, she lived in the same neighborhood. How cool is that?
I secretly want to do a cartwheels when someone I know tells me they read my blog, or even that their friend/mom/sister reads it. I’m guessing that is how rock stars feel. I’ve had friends call or text that they are going plant-based (not because of my blog but it still makes me just as happy) and I wanted to do a full on floor routine. I love it when people choose health!
You all (my dear readers) make me feel very blessed and for that I am thankful.
Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!