When I think of “back to school” I think of packing lunches. They go hand in hand for me. We have a 10 year gap between our older set and our younger set of kids. Sometimes it feels like I’ve been packing lunches FOREVER.
With my youngest starting kindergarten I know that my lunch packing days will be coming to an end in the next few years. Until then I’ll continue my lunch packing routine.
Have a lunch packing routine means you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every day. I’m all in favor of simplicity. I typically choose 3 main items for my kids lunch boxes. They get a main dish, a fruit or veggie and a snack type item.
I don’t pack a lot of food in my kids lunches because most kids waste a lot of food at lunch. If you’ve ever visited your kids at lunch you can see why. It’s a mad house, especially at the kindergarten table. A lot of the kids can’t open their containers or individual packages. If this is their first school experience they probably don’t know how to manage their time. You end up with a 5 year old who can’t open their apple sauce and just talks to their new friends.
Tips for Simple School Lunches
- Use easy to open containers.
- Stick to just a few foods.
- Get your child’s “buy in” or let them see the lunch before it’s packed away
- Have older kids pack their own lunch (with guidelines) See my printable!
- Let younger children have some choices like apples or strawberries, crackers or pretzels.
- Include every thing they need like a spoon or napkin.
- Use a frozen insert to keep cold foods cold.
I love EasyLunchBoxes because they make lunches easier to pack. My kids have always been able to open them without help, we started using them in preschool. We still use that original set that is over 2 years old. We’ve had a few crack but if you’ve seen how my boys treat their back pack you would understand. They are durable.
My boys love that the EasyLunchBoxes keep their foods separate so nothing touches. That means the strawberries won’t get the pretzels all wet and soggy. I also use their mini dipper containers occasionally when I need a small container.
My 7 year old will sometimes pack his own lunch but usually I need to intervene. He would be happy with a piece of bread, a granola bar and crackers. I have a “at least one fruit or veggie” rule that he likes to sneak around. He doesn’t eat a lot at lunch so I usually stick to 3 things.
My 5 year old wants his lunch box FULL! If there is the tiniest bit of empty space he goes looking for something to stick in it. He will eat it all too. He normally gets two types of fruit, a main dish, something a little “snacky” like pretzels or Plentils, and anything else he can fit in there.
I adapt to each of my kids needs but in a way that works for our needs.
EasyLunchBoxes Giveaway
I want you to have a chance to simplify your lunch box routine too! You can win your own set of EasyLunchBoxes!
If you don’t win a set of containers you can always buy them from EasyLunchBoxes or Amazon! Make sure you read this first so you get the real deal.
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