Don’t let the title fool you. I don’t really get into Halloween. I won’t be dressing up or decorating my yard. I will spend a few hours passing out candy and visiting with our neighbors. You see, in our neighborhood Halloween is the one night a year all of our neighbors get together and catch up. We all sit outside in our driveways and pass out candy. It’s a lot of fun.
Since it’s Halloween week I may bake a few treats but I have even more treats in store for my readers including a giveaway and a surprise new program. I’m extremely excited about both.
Plant-Based Meal Plan
I just can’t get enough apples. We eat them all year but they taste best in the fall.
- Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Rice
- Apple Oatmeal
- Gluten-Free Apple Muffins
- Toast with SunButter
or Soy Butter
and sliced Apples
My youngest son and I usually eat leftovers or something quick. I pack a lunch for my 5 year old to eat at school.
- Baked Potatoes
- Pasta and a simple sauce
- Chickpea Salad and raw veggies
- Veggie Soup and salad
- Leftover Chili
My husband has requested 3 things this week (the first 3 on the dinner menu). He doesn’t ask for much so I usually try to accommodate his request.
- Veggie Pad Thai (yes he requests this every week)
- Cheezy Broccoli and Rice Casserole in the Crock Pot
- Chickpea Salad (the savory one) to eat on sandwiches
- Fiesta Pasta (recipe coming soon)
- Chili with baked potatoes
If you have food allergies you may have heard of the Teal Pumpkin Project. It was started by the Food Allergy Community of East Tennessee (FACET) a few years ago. Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) spread the word this year. Read more about it here.
What are you plans for Halloween? Do you throw a party, hand out candy or turn off your lights and hide inside your house?
If I lived somewhere colder I’m sure we’d have a different tradition. I’d love to hear about yours.
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