Today kick’s off My Plant-Based Family’s week of Holiday Gift Guides. I’m so excited because I’ve been planning this for months. I wanted to share my top gift picks well before the holidays to give you time to plan.
I’m extra excited about today’s pick because today I’m featuring World Vision! Later in the week I’ll suggest some great books, body products, snacks and of course stuff for your kitchen.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization that helps children, families, and communities worldwide. They provide emergency assistance to children and families affected by natural disasters and are working diligently in the Philippines right now to help with the aftermath of the storm. World Vision also strives to help victims of civil conflict, work with communities to develop long-term solutions to alleviate poverty, and advocate for justice on behalf of the poor. They are busy at work in nearly 100 countries, serving all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.
Each year we pick an organization like World Vision and buy gifts for families we will never meet. World Vision has a Gift Catalog were you will find things like buying a share to dig a well, provide clothing for children and provide hope for exploited girls. Each year we would ask our kids (now teenagers) to look through the catalog and decide how to bless others. We would explain how we have so much it’s our responsibility to help others and sometimes that means we need to sacrifice what we want to make sure other people can get what they need.
You can also purchased handcrafted gifts from all over the world. If you really want to impact a family, fund a micro loan, World Vision allows you to choose an entrepreneur and follow their progress.
I just picked out several opportunities that caught my eye but their are many others to choose from.
There are many ways to help. Visit World Vision to find out more or Follow them on Facebook or Twitter.
Do you have any traditions to give back during the holidays? We enjoy filling Christmas stockings for needy kids in our area, but love contributing to organizations like World Vision that can make a difference in place we will never get the opportunity to visit.