Since I started blogging in January our three “big kids” have lived with their mom. That wasn’t always the case. Until a year ago the kids lived with us. When my husband and I got married 7 years ago the kids were 6, 8, and 10. I had already been a part of their lives for a couple of years.
I love those guys.
Now, a year after moving to their mom’s our daughter is moving back home with us. I cannot tell you how happy I am about this. The term “squealing in delight” is a huge understatement. I wont go into all of the who’s, how’s, and why’s but God has answered our prayers.
Our teenage sons will still live with their mom. Our “big kids” have a very close bond and I know it was hard for my daughter to move away from her brothers. She is so brave.
Our daughter is…
I love her!
You may be wondering (or not) where this puts us on the healthy eating front. Our daughter hasn’t completely embraced plant-based eating but she does want to eat healthy. She has been very receptive to the way we eat, and she doesn’t make a big deal if she doesn’t like something.
I’m so thankful for her! She blesses us daily! What are you thankful for today?
Sarah says
I was thinking…it is often the girls who go vegetarian in a family, so you never know – she might be a chef in training 😉
An Unrefined Vegan says
What a lovely young lady, Holly. I’m very happy for you all to be reunited.